I Love Choices

Today’s stitch surprised me. I love the stitch as it is diagrammed and I also love it without the beads.

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

The stitched sample uses two plies of Splendor (black lines), Petite Silk Lame (gray lines), and size 14/15 Sundance Beads on a vintage Melissa Shirley house. (It’s just a single wall of said house, but you get the idea.)

As I stitched this last night, I realized I love the stitch with and without the beads. So, I left some of the beads out of the stitching near the top edge of the tree, so you can make your own choice. I plan on including the beads for the tree. But I’m looking forward to using the version without the beads in the background of an ornament. It is also scalable for larger areas. Adjust the length of the black lines (2-3-2 rows) to, say, over 5-6-5 rows for more open space.

And a shout out to Melissa’s beautiful painting. Shaded areas like this are the reason I absolutely adore open stitches.

I hope you have a spot for this stitch. Enjoy!

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!

I Warned You

When I shared a unique background stitch last year, I warned you it was returning as columns. And here we are! And, honestly, I can’t think of a better background for a monkey with a hat from Colors of Praise.

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

The stitched sample uses a size 16 Kreinik on a 13M canvas. The space between columns is not a hard and fast rule. Adjust the number of rows between the columns to your taste. I want to play with other applications for this stitch in the future. I want to use it for a long dress or tall and slender animal, especially on 18M with silk floss or a lightweight metallic. You may also make it a smidge narrower by removing the four stitches that create the outermost rectangle.

As some may have noticed, I’m having a moment with grids. My next version of this stitch will be just that.

I hope you have a spot for this stitch. Enjoy!

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!

Thanks, Don!

Today’s stitch comes to us from Don Lynch of Associated Talents. Always grateful for his creativity (and humor).

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

The pink and white stitched sample is from Don. It uses pink Petite Very Velvet for the yellow lines, white Fyre Werks for the black lines, and a single strand of Impressions for the turquoise lines. (Quick shout-out for Impressions! I love using a single strand for 18M. It has a great range of colors that you can’t always find in other thread lines.)

Yes, I love Don’s stitch. And, yes, I see ways to make it more open. So, I started playing yesterday and came up with the two versions below. (Clearly, my day took several unexpected turns, as illustrated by the utterly different lighting of the two samples.) The sample on the left eliminates the stitches in the 3X3 square (the Impressions in the heart). The sample on the right eliminates everything but the outer rectangles.

I love all three versions. Don’s version and the version on the left below will make great clothing or architectural elements, such as a large wall, roof, or tile. I see the most open version as a light and fun background.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

Mix the elements as you see fit and have a great time with all the thread possibilities! Enjoy!

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!

Make it Yours!

Snazzy is the first word that popped into my head after I saw today’s stitch.

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

The empty row in between the two center stitches is just a lovely touch. The stitched sample is me playing with three plies of Soie D'Alger on 13M.

I love this stitch for a background. It’s a good size on 13M, just under 1.5” at the center. It will be about an inch tall on 18M. I also think it will work well for a coat for Santa. If you want to draw more attention to it, consider alternating the columns of stitches between a silk floss and a metallic thread such as Fyre Werks or a Kreinik 1/16” ribbon. The two metallics I listed lay flat, which I feel is important for this stitch.

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!

From the Finishing Box

One of my favorite things to do is to admire finishing when it arrives at Aristeia. And, as luck would have it, I stumbled across this darling ornament and my eyes instantly went to the adorable green road.

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

The stitched sample uses size 12 Finca Perle on 18M. The oblique stitch (four rows wide and one row tall) adds a little texture that is perfect for the space. Pair this stitch with an overdyed lightweight ThreadWorx metallic, and you’ve got water. I love the idea of this stitch for clothing. I’m thinking of flipping the diagram 90° and using it for a sweater with a Vineyard Silk or overdyed ThreadWorx wool.

I’m so grateful I stumbled across this. I’ve seen versions of the oblique stitch/leaf combo, but the diagrams never spoke to me. Now that I know how good it looks, I see so much potential for variations.

I hope you have the perfect spot for today’s stitch. Have fun!

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!

From the Archives

Today’s stitch comes from the archives, also known as stitching I discovered while unpacking. It’s a more open variation of a stitch I shared in early 2020.

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

The stitched sample uses Elegance on 18M. It mimics clouds and has just enough open space to keep the area light and allow the remainder of the canvas to shine.

This stitch will also work well for water with a lightweight metallic, such as ThreadWorx Kreinik, Petite Silk Lame, or Petite Entice. For the water, you may want to replace the single stitches over two rows with a single bead over two rows (brick beading with one bead!) for a slightly more sparkly version.

I will invoke the dreaded R work by suggesting randomly placing the primary repeat pattern (straight stitches over 4-4-6-6-6-4-4 rows) to give the sense of more movement in the sky. You could flip the stitches 90°, add more space between the columns for a cute background or wall stitch.

I hope you have the perfect spot for today’s stitch. Have fun!

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!

Marci Didn't Listen...Again

All credit for today’s stitch belongs to Marci at The Nimble Needle in Atlanta. And the best part is that she did not stitch the area as I told her to.

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

The stitched sample previews a darling acorn, part of an upcoming Nimble Needle Acorn Club with canvases by Associated Talents (distributed through Bradley Needlepoint Company). The beaded berries are the starting point of the stitch, as they are stitched precisely as painted. Marci created the beauty surrounding the berries with Mandarin Floss (gray lines), gold Kreinik (black lines), and an adorable Sundance gold star embellishment attached with a size 14/15 bead on 18M.

One note on the diagram. Each of the stitches for the 6X6 crosses (gray lines) is split into two separate stitches, three rows wide or long, to make it easier to add the embellishment and bead in through the center hole.

This stitch will make a spectacular holiday ornament with two shades of Kreinik for the gray and black lines. Ideas for color combos include blue and silver, red and gold, green and red, or white and silver as thought starters. Add the matching metallic bead (gold or silver) and you are set!

If, by chance, you need to dress this stitch down a bit, replace the beads with oblique layered crosses (aqua lines on the diagram to the right).

I hope you have the perfect spot for today’s stitch. Have fun! And happy cocktails! Thank you, Marci. This stitch is amazing.


Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!


Today’s stitch comes to us from FOWS (friend of whimsicalstitch) Merideth (@auburnhairedstitcher). It’s one of the most clever variations of a stitch I’ve seen in a long time…possibly ever.

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram.

The good news is that it is a variation of a stitch I shared in 2021. I was so excited to see what Merideth did with it and the love it got on my Insta stories was incredible. So, here we are!

The stitched sample uses white Petite Silk Lame on an 18M canvas. Merideth added the adorable red and green beads to represent cherries and olives, naturally. Eeeeep! does not even begin to describe how much I love what Merideth created. The vertical lines between the snowflakes and/or the martinis are darning stitches. I added the numbering to this diagram to help you navigate the snowflakes and the darning stitches.

I don’t have the typical notes on additional variations that I typically add at this point in the blog. Based on what it took to create the diagram, my only counsel is that this is a large space stitch. To get the true effect of the stitch, I can’t see it in many places other than a background. Maybe you could reduce the number of rows between columns, which might add unnecessary busy-ness.

Thank you, Merideth. To say I love this stitch is an understatement.

I hope you have the perfect spot for today’s stitch. Have fun! And happy cocktails!

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!

Unpacking is Fun

Unpacking is a humbling experience. Unpacking all your needlepoint WIPs and canvas stash is even more humbling. The silver lining is stitched samples! I’m pulling as many stitches as I can from them for the near future. (This explains why we have a small space stitch on a Wednesday.)

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram

The stitched sample is from a project I worked on about ten years ago during a girls’ weekend. I followed the painting on the canvas and used two shades of green City Needlework silk floss (5-ply on 18M). I love how this stitch adds perspective AND interest to the distant fields.

The stitch will work well for rugs with two shades of Burmilana wool. I love the idea of it for a small sweater with Silk Lame and Vineyard Silk. You could also replace the French Knots with seed beads for a small bed of flowers. I want to play with it for water with two shades of metallic.

I hope you have the perfect spot for today’s stitch. Have fun playing with it!

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!

My Love of Diamonds Still Knows No Bounds

And I’m back! After a month that included moving, a bit of pneumonia, and general chaos, I think getting back up to speed with yet another diamond-themed stitch is absolutely appropriate.

Click the image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

Click the image to see #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday Stitched Sample Gallery on Instagram

The stitch includes split diamonds with four plies of a turquoise Soie D'Alger (black lines), connected with a horizontal length of purple Silk Lame (aqua lines), and vertical stitches over two rows on top with a turquoise Silk Lame (yellow lines) on 13M.

I think the most obvious use is for a background, primarily because of the open canvas between the rows. That little bit of open space makes this stitch recede a tiny bit, giving the subject of the canvas more attention, as it should be. If you were of the mind, fill the open canvas with straight stitches to create more diamonds with a lightweight thread and use the stitch for wrapping paper on a large present with all kinds of shiny metallic threads. It will also make an elegant coat with Vineyard Silk for the black lines and two hues of Neon Rays for the aqua and yellow lines.

Speaking of Neon Rays, I often use a laying tool with it, especially for long stitches such as the aqua lines in the diagram. If you aren’t already, I recommend using a flat iron (on the lowest setting)on Neon Rays before stitching with it. Yes, it can lay flat straight off the card, but ironing it first makes a surprising and material difference. (And, yes, for those of you who have known me for a while, this is a 180° pivot.)

I hope you have the perfect spot for today’s stitch. Have fun playing with it!

Click on image to see the whimsicalstitch.com Stitch Library on pinterest.com. Includes all #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams.

As you are auditioning stitches (from any stitch source), count the number of canvas threads on the diagram that match your mesh size. And there you have what an inch of the stitch will look like. Evaluate that against the area where you plan to use the stitch and make your final decision. If you start integrating this step into your stitch selection process, you may be surprised at how many stitches you think are large are much smaller than you realize.

By (sometimes) including this step in my own process, I find I am now integrating much longer stitches than I ever thought I would. I used to think a stitch six rows long was super big. I have very much changed my tune, which has helped me expand my creativity, especially for large-space stitches.

Today’s stitch diagram, along with all other #whimsicalwednesday and #smallspacesunday stitch diagrams, can also be found on a Pinterest board here. Be sure to follow whimsicalstitch.com on FacebookPinterestInstagram, and Twitter.

If you like what you see on this blog, there's more. Mary’s Whimsical Stitches is a series of four books offering contemporary how-to collections of more than 200 stitches (in each volume) for all stitchers, regardless of skill level. All books include updated and sequenced diagrams from this blog, plus a collection of all-new stitches from private lessons and other class projects. Visit here to find a needlepoint retailer that carries my books.

New to needlepoint or looking for a refresher? Please download a handy how-to guide covering basic needlepoint stitches and stitch compensation techniques along with new top-line information on needlepoint materials and tools, how to handle threads, and other helpful needlepoint resources.

whimsicalstitch.com also sells Stitch Guides and Stitch Concepts for Melissa Shirley Designs, Zecca DesignsSandra Gilmore, Purple Palm, Maggie, and Penny MacLeod, and many more. Click here to see the newest guides and click here to see the entire collection.

I hope you have the perfect spot for this stitch! Please enjoy! Have a wonderful #whimsicalwednesday!

A Note about Diagrams
I use color in diagrams to make them as clear as possible.  The primary function of different colored lines is to illustrate a stitch sequence.  For example, the layering of colors demonstrates you add them in that order.  They can also provide ideas on integrating additional threads (one line for each color).  Or, you can use the same thread for all color lines.  That's where I encourage you to use your imagination for the space you are stitching!